A long line awaiting pancakes at Mill River Recreation Area
Cloudy threatening skies did not dissuade an army of hungry (off duty) town officials, local business owners, developers, North Amherst neighbors and recreation lovers from across the Happy Valley to turn out in droves for the Puffer's Pond Pancake Breakfast fundraiser. In fact hundreds more than expected were in attendance, said to be the biggest turnout in the 20+ year history of the event.
Maybe it was the recent North Amherst Village Center rezoning issue that played out so heatedly on the floor of Amherst Town Meeting last month as both proponents and staunch opponents came together although usually at different picnic tables.
Or it could have been the memorial service for Stephen Puffer Jr. which attracted a hundred friends, family and admirers of the town institution who passed away last December, at the grand old age of 97.
Either way, the event brought together a significant cross section of the town's eclectic movers and shakers while raising significant money to help polish a recreational jewel. Not bad for a cloudy Saturday in June.
Photo collage of Stephen Puffer's life intertwined with Amherst history
Symbols of past jobs: construction,bus drive, Amherst Fire Department volunteer
Mr Puffer drove an antique truck before it was an antique
Amherst 250th Anniversary Parade Co-Grand Marshalls:Stan Ziomek, Steve Puffer (center), Barry Roberts 9/27/09
In 2008 Mr Puffer was honored on the floor of Amherst Town Meeting for serving on Public Works Committee for 19 years, not to mention 66 years in town meeting
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