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So apparently Superintendent Maria Geryk changed her mind about using Executive Session for the Amherst Regional School Committee to coronate, errr, I mean rehire Giny Tate, errr, I mean Murphy, Hesse, Toomey and Lehane as ARPS Special Education Legal Counsel after Fred Dupere suddenly resigned earlier this week (although he is still on the payroll until June 30).
The vote was unanimous except for Amilcar Shabazz who abstained. Voting in favor: Katherine Appy, Rick Hood, Lawrence O'Brien, Michael DeChiara, Kip Fonsh, Deb Gould. Annemarie Foley and Rob Spence were Missing In Action.
Ms Tate is now General Counsel for the School Committees and administration as well as Special Education Counsel, a job she was terminated from by a 5-4 Regional School Committee vote on 9/22/2010. Her most recent Special Ed case, which concluded in March, cost taxpayers just over $40,000 in legal fees. The Bureau of Special Education Appeals found in favor of the pro se (lawyer less) parent.
Interestingly the case would have cost taxpayers twice that in legal fees if the parent had used a lawyer. Maybe Shakespeare was right...
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