Original Railroad bridge (now a bike path) about to be replaced but with no increase in width and negligible increase in height
So in addition to the major traffic snafu at Atkins Corner redirecting traffic from RT116 in South Amherst, now at the other end, near town center, the closing of Snell Street--a major shortcut between busy RT116 to even busier RT9--is gearing up to increase frustration levels.
The state rented a construction trailer now parked near the bridge
A public hearing on the $1 million project is scheduled next week at Town Hall (6:30 PM June 26 in the Town Room), so at least we can complain about not widening or increasing appreciably the clearance of the current structure that routinely scalps trucks. But the plans are already set, so it's unlikely for anything to change.
Woodside Avenue bridge: The bridge to nowhere
The state told the contractor the road cannot be closed until the new bridge is on site, ready for placement, so estimates for the road closing are in the range of only a week...perhaps two. But then the War Memorial Pool was supposed to open this Saturday and we know that' s not going to happen.
And let's hope, unlike the new bridge installed 12 years ago over the bike path 100 yards away, that this one is actually used for its intended purpose.
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