Norway Spruce dead center is now a Dead Tree Standing
So this majestic fifty-year-old Norway Spruce will fall in order to make way for a more conveniently located driveway that routes traffic onto Railroad Street rather than busy College Street (RT9), although since the other end of Railroad Street is blockaded by owners New England Central Railroad, tenants will still have to enter/exit onto busy Rt 9.

Closed end of Railroad Street Last night the Amherst Shade Tree Committee voted against the removal (3-1-1) of a healthy tree at 166 College Street, however Amherst Tree Warden Alan Snow overruled the committee and allowed the whacking, but with conditions that a "new tree is planted where the old driveway was located and an inch per inch replacement value for the loss of the healthy public shade tree."

Current driveway 166 College Street, Amherst
Who would have thought--especially in Amherst--shade trees would be traded like public commodities.
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