Amherst College Chapel Hill
Thousands of fellow officers--including 15 from Amherst Police Department, UMPD and Amherst College-- descended on Springfield to show solidarity to a fallen brother, creating a solemn sea of blue, spread out under equally blue but fickle skies.
Governor Patrick ordered the American flag to half staff, so hopefully citizens across our commonwealth were reminded--as they went about their business--that officer Kevin Ambrose was simply going about his routine when he gave the last full measure of devotion.
Over thirty six years on the job, officer Ambrose responded to an uncountable number of calls for service. But all the training and experience built up over that many years was not enough to avoid a split-second moment when bad luck collided with evil intent.

Springfield Police badge in mourning
Even more depressing, this awful occurrence is far from unique.
Springfield Sunday Republican commentary
Amherst Post Office
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