Amherst Regional Public Schools teach social justice; in fact, some would argue our schools preach social justice. But when it comes time to actually walk the walk and put money where your mouth is, school leadership acts like a Robber-Baron Scrooge squeezing pennies out of those who can least afford it.
Yes, the highest paid administrator in the most expensive public school in the entire region forced the lowest paid employees in the system--bus drivers and custodians-- to sign a legal gag order to receive $18,840 in total wages they were legally owed after the business office miscalculated annual days worked over the years.
But why such heavy handed secrecy? Perhaps because other low paid full time staff--secretarial and clerical employees, audio-visual technicians, and media aides--are currently unaware they too were unfairly shortchanged over the years and could also demand equal compensation.
The sad back-story told in emails
AFSCME Gag Order Amherst Schools
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