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OBAMA: "After years of grueling recession, our businesses have created over 6 million new jobs."
In the post just below it talks about the facts of Obama's State of the Union Address. In this case, 6 million new jobs.
I'd like to share my personal thoughts and opinion on this matter.
It's no secret that with the fear of Obamacare upon the business world, many of the largest corporations are cutting back part time hours to less than 30 hours a week. Some full time jobs are now being cut back to less than 30 hours a week. DON'T BE FOOLED as to why.
While hours are being cut back and Obama trying to increase the minimum wage, MORE people, (PART TIME) will be hired to fill in the gaps. Hence, yes, more people will be employed and the unemployment will in fact DROP. HOWEVER, they will be filled with more part time jobs, NOT full time jobs.
It's a numbers game Ladies & Gentlemen and it's a GAME in which is NOT going to help cure America's desperate need for good paying jobs.
When your child comes out of college and needs a good paying job to pay back loans, buy a car, pay for insurance, get a place of their own and fumble around for change to eat off the dollar menu every night, our leader, (Obama) is NOT fooling this American.
Obama is dumbing down America and I can only hope YOU are not falling for it. Salisbury has enough of this similar problem WITHOUT President Obama making it even worse. Home Depot, WalMart and many other corporations are already cutting back hours and preparing for the worst.
This is why I announced my intent to make the Mayor's job a FULL TIME job. Yes, even at the $25,000.00 a year it now offers. Half of my day will be spent doing the business of the City as your Mayor and the other half will be dedicated to reaching out to businesses that provide great paying jobs and encourage them to relocate to Salisbury, Maryland from all over the world.
We can no longer do what Jim Ireton and Barrie Tilghman have done by sitting back and waiting for businesses to fall into their laps. You must work hard to bring these businesses here and STOP calling Press Conferences pointing fingers at every one else, blaming them for why Salisbury is so far behind.
We do not need 500 affordable housing units Downtown by giving away our Downtown parking lots. We need good paying jobs so people can afford well built homes they can buy and afford. We want homes with 50 year roofing shingles, not 10 year roofing shingles.
As your next Mayor I will work hard to plan ahead, think out of the box and NOT depend on scraps our Government leaves us to pick on. This is called LEADERSHIP.
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