A couple months ago his fire alarm went off. The SFD showed up and ruled it a false alarm, (in which it was) The owner came to the business, turned the alarm off but it went off again later.
The next morning he called the alarm company and they immediately came to his business to fix the problem. He installed new smoke detectors, wiring and the whole nine yards. They contacted the SFD and told them they would be on test mode. While working on the system the alarm company triggered the system and the SFD, (even though they had been told they were in test mode) showed up AGAIN. They immediately realized the alarm company was working on the system and the SFD even documented this on their paperwork.
Just when they were wrapping up the repairs the system was triggered again and as you might guess, the SFD came to the scene as if there might be a fire.
NOW, each time it was documented on their internal paperwork the system was being worked on, yet the City sent this business owner TWO bills. The first was for $300.00 and the second was for $600.00.
The business owner tried numerous times to contact Mayor Ireton, (since EVERYTHING has to go through the Mayor now) and the Mayor refused to call him back. His secretary did finally call back after numerous attempts and stated the Mayor had reviewed his complaint and felt the business owner owned the money, period.
The property owner then tried to contact Rick Hoppes, who also refused to return his calls. Until today, the SFD has refused to work with this gentleman.
Well, AFTER my meeting with the business owner today, he went to the SFD and told them that he had been in to see Joe Albero and all of a sudden they told him they would be willing to meet with him tomorrow. Funny how this exact legislation is going up for SECOND reading tonight on false alarm fees, hence my publishing this information now rather then later.
Mayor Jim Ireton is driving businesses OUT of Town and couldn't care less. Jim Ireton has let the position of Mayor go right to his head. He has no respect or understanding of how business works. This owner could easily pack up his business and move to Delmar, DE., (like so many others have already done) and we'd have that much less taxes being collected because the Fire Department is scamming business owners out of money.
The more these businesses leave, the higher your taxes go up. Someone has to make up that loss and clearly Jim Ireton doesn't care.
"This is not Joe Albero's election to lose, it's the citizens' election to lose".
TELL US YOUR STORY... Have you been billed by the Fire Department for false alarms you feel were not justified? Send To: alberobutzo@wmconnect.com
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