Alabama Does Gun Manufacturers’ Bidding By Seeking ToNullify Federal Gun Laws
22 Şubat 2013 Cuma
Alabama Does Gun Manufacturers’ Bidding By Seeking To Nullify Federal Gun Laws
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Alabama Does Gun Manufacturers’ Bidding By Seeking ToNullify Federal Gun Laws By Annie-Rose Strasser on Feb 1, 2013 at10:01 am
The Alabama legislature isconsidering an unconstitutional bill that would make it a felony for federallaw officers to enforce any bans on semi-automatic weapons or high-capacitymagazines in the state — a measure that, its author insists, would be good forthe state’s economy, or at least its gun manufacturers. State Sen. ShadrackMcGill’s (R) legislation would specifically exempt guns that were manufactured,sold, and owned within Alabama’s borders from federal laws. It would alsoclassify anyone who did try to enforce federal laws as a Class C Felon. McGillthinks that such a law amounts to state stimulus, since creates animpetus for manufacturers to reap profit in the state: In a time of strappedbudgets, adding resource officers may be difficult for local systems. McGillsaid that’s why his colleagues have worked to improve the economy, and he addedthat there is no desire to raise taxes.[...] McGill said the gun billcould be a way to improve Alabama’s economy, as the law would only pertain toguns made and kept inside the state. “I’m chairman of the SmallBusiness Committee, and one aspect of this is any state that passes similarlegislation to this, it will be an attraction to manufacturing — good for theeconomy,” he said. The U.S. Constitutiondictates that federal law “shall be the supreme law of the land.” But theirony is apparently lost on McGill and other state legislators that in theireffort to protect their constitutional right to own a firearm, they are tryingto supersede the constitutional requirement that states follow federal laws.
Alabama Does Gun Manufacturers’ Bidding By Seeking ToNullify Federal Gun Laws
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