To contact us Click HERE Amherst Town Hall closed at High Noon Friday, but the work had just begun for DPW, Police/Fire/Dispatch Town Hall after the storm. By the next morning about two feet of the white stuff had fallenDPW parking lot the morning after. All hands on deck, all night long. A remarkable job done.Amherst Police Department was not inundated with calls as everyone took the Governor's advice and stayed in although Dispatch fielded numerous calls concerning the driving ban. Truck vs tree around 3:45 PM FridayAmherst Fire Department Central Station: only sign of life in town center overnight or this morning. Make sure you clear fire hydrants and vents near your house!AFD Central around 11:00 PM last night with nearly white out conditionsAmherst Town Center 8:30 AM cleared but abandonedTown Center looking NorthPeoples Bank, American Legion, Town CenterBank of America town center (closed) Amherst Coffee closedUMass Amherst closedThe Dickinson Homestead: the quiet helps Miss Emily workTaylor Davis Landscaping crew helping to fight drifting snow in town centerAlmost home. Car blocked Jeffrey Lane stuck in snow overnightBuried by Nemo. These cars will take a while to dig outEast Pleasant near Kendrick Park looking south toward town center. Easy to share the road with no trafficBramble Hill Farm South Amherst 3:00 PM today. Dog says, "What, are you crazy?"
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