If you are not zoned for it you probably should not create a public frathouse Facebook page and post to it pictures of a front porch full of residents in a "one family" house that can legally shelter only four (4) unrelated tenants.
Or, interestingly enough, register at UMass/Amherst as an RSO and use that illegal address for official contact information. Apparently UMass does not do much vetting for Fraternities and Sororities.
Even more interesting the photo shown of the house on the official town assessors card shows a "Grand Opening" banner across the upper floor! Gotta wonder whether it was for the grand opening of Alpha Delta Phi, or a late night bar ... or both.
Naturally this bootleg building is owned by Stephen Gharabegian who also owns 11 Phillips Street currently under investigation for being an "underground Frathouse" and an "illegal bar" as well as being a Station Nightclub waiting to happen.
Frat paraphernalia on side porch of 45 Phillips Street this morning
No wonder this neighborhood is such a late night weekend attraction!
Town officials and UMass need to get serious about substandard housing on Phillips Street, which pretty much means the entire street.
The Amherst Redevelopment Authority should take the property by eminent domain, flatten it, and rebuild high-end housing that would attract more responsible graduate students and faculty with families and would pay way higher property taxes than the current undervalued properties.
So I just heard from Matt a "representative from the Alpha Delta Phi fraternity" stating that my post "constitutes libel, and if it is not removed immediately we will pursue legal action." Of course he then goes on to admit that Alpha Delta Phi frat members did indeed occupy 45 Phillips Street but "we do not live there anymore"
He then goes on to rat out another unnamed frat: "In regards to the paddles that you saw at the residence, those do not belong to the Alpha Delta Phi and are in fact a different fraternities paddles. Currently a few members of a different fraternity which is not associated with us in anyway live there."
Not that I keep score, but that makes the third legal threat this week (up from the normal one or two). Truly, I'm on a roll.
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