They say surprise is the secret to humor, or at least the Facebook meme says it, and some of them are pretty funny. But I'm even more certain that surprise is a key component for victory in combat.
Pearl Harbor, and our payback six months later at The Battle of Midway, Israeli liberation of hostages at Entebbe, or the unsurpassed devastation inflicted on our country that clear blue 9/11 morning, all relied on the element of surprise.
I was always known on the karate circuit as a strategic counter fighter -- letting my opponent make the first move and then catch them on the way in -- although the more derogatory term used by the blood and guts fighters was "runner". But I could stand my ground or blitz with the best of them when necessary.
In the opening seconds of my match with Billy Blanks, fighting for the division title, I hit him with a clean quick uncharacteristically offensive hook kick, which was sort of like waving a red flag in front of an already angry bull.
So for the next few minutes I revert back to my counter offensive style and catch him a few times to the body (although the judges missed it, the sidekicks still probably hurt enough to get him thinking about protecting his body).Thus setting up the coming-full-circle final move.
The exact same kick I scored with in the opening seconds of the match.
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