Amherst schools consume the lion's share of town tax money with the vast majority of that funding labor costs. The Region's salary database shown below does not include paras, clerical or AFSCME staff members, all of whom are paid hourly. The salaries shown also do not include associated costs of employee benefits.
With Amherst officials on a head long rush to regionalize with our Hilltown partners all the way down to kindergarten (currently only the high school and middle school are in the region) the key question for Amherst taxpayers is, will this lower our education system's high average cost per student, or drive it even higher?
And the corresponding key question for the Hilltowns is, will giving up your autonomy also increase your current cost to educate children in your stand alone current system.
2011Amherst Elementary Schools Average cost per student $17,116 vs state average $13,361. Admin cost per student $735 vs state average $447
Leverett Elementary School: Average cost per student $15,382 vs state average $13,361.Admin cost per student $710 vs state average $447
Pelham Elementary School: Average cost per student $14,926 vs state average $13,361Admin cost per student $478 vs state average $447
Shutesbury Elementary School: Average cost per student $15,612 vs state average $13,361.Admin cost per student $767 vs state average $447
ARPS payroll using Google Docs
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