So no, the Amherst Police Department does not spend all of its time dealing with rowdy students -- er, I mean "college aged youths" -- raising Hell in the dead of night. Well, maybe on weekends -- especially when the weather is nice.
Although APD did respond to a noise complaint late last night to 121 Meadow Street, ground zero for last year's most notorious riot, which would get my vote for 'Party House of the Year'. Fortunately this time around a warning was sufficient (maybe because it was only a Thursday).
Yesterday around 6:30 PM police responded to a call on South East Street/Bay Road for "10 piglets running in the road." And an hour later for a loose cow. All of which were "Gone On Arrival." Although a while later a call came in confirming the farmer had "wrangled them all."
On Monday evening police responded to a farm field off South East Street (not the same one with the lost piggies) for a suspicious vehicle. Said vehicle, driven by David Brown, age 46, attempted to run down an officer.
David Brown of 108 Lee Rd, South Deerfield is facing a litany of charges (the last one most astonishing):
Driving with revoked license
Assault with a dangerous weapon (the car)
Alcohol in motor vehicle
Possession of open container (in said vehicle)
O.U.I Liquor 5th offense. Yes you read that correctly, 5th offense!
UMass needs to get serious about cracking down on serious offenders undermining the quality of life for neighborhoods all over Amherst with their obnoxious behavior, and the court system needs to get deadly serious with drunk drivers.
A common statistic I've heard about DUI is that the person caught has probably driven that way a couple hundred times before finally being nabbed. Now factor in Mr. Brown's five arrests and be thankful you did not interest with him on the road the 1,000 times he was driving his "dangerous weapon."
And yes, I just checked UMass people finder and the only person cited the night of the notorious riot at 121 Meadow Street last year is still registered as a student.
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