Student rowdyism escalated yet another notch late last night as Amherst Police officers had to physically defend themselves against combative college aged youth jet-fueled by alcohol, a danger to innocent bystanders, first responders and themselves.
Last week two drunk students unabashedly fighting in a downtown restaurant got physical with a female Amherst police officer who was attempting to break it up, and early this morning the violent response to APD officers continued unabated.
Around 12:30 AM an officer noticed a disturbance at 45 Phillips Street with about 20-30 males on the front porch yelling and throwing punches at each other. In trying to break up the melee one of the perps "attempted to free his friend" from the cops hold and had to be pinned against a fence and placed under arrest.:
Officers later cited the house, owned by Stephan Gharabegian, with a $300 ticket for violation of the town's Nuisance House Bylaw.
Arrested for Disorderly Conduct and possession of liquor under age 21:
Kevin John Defusco, 5 Depot Road, Westford, MA, age 19 (UMass student)

Arrested for Assault & Battery on a police officer, A&B with a dangerous weapon (pepper spray), Resisting Arrest, and Disorderly Conduct:
James M Robinson, 10 Truman Circle, Springfield, MA, age 19 (UMass student)
Around 2:45 AM police responded to 15 Fearing Street for reports of a "highly ETOH" (drunk) individual "throwing bottles at people."
The responding officer was greeted by a dozen young men on the front porch who stated Jonathan Jacobs was "going crazy," throwing bottles and other items at them. Due to his violent behavior they had evacuated the house. Jacobs was located in his upstairs room but immediately became combative, assaulting one officer with his shoulder and knocking over another. At APD headquarters he refused to identify himself and was held on $2,500 bail.
Arrested for Assault with a Dangerous Weapon (bottles), Disorderly Conduct, Resisting Arrest, A & B on a police officer:
Jonathan Daniel Jacobs, 225 Maryann Way, North Attleborough, MA, age 22 (UMass student)
Meanwhile around 1:15 AM police responded to a report of a motor vehicle crash on Mattoon Street near Amherst Regional High School. The driver reported swerving to avoid a pedestrian and lost control because of the "wet roads", but an eyewitness had another different version not involving a pedestrian. The driver was given a field sobriety test and failed.
Arrested for OUI Liquor and Marked Lanes Violation:Daniel T. Kearney, 21 Wing Rd, Lynnfield, MA, age 21 (UMass student)
#####Sadly, at 1:43 AM, UMass police, APD and AFD responded to a male who fell and hit his head near the Newman Center, UMass. The first officer on the scene reported the male was on the ground surrounded by friends who confirmed he "had been drinking" and suddenly collapsed, hitting his head.
AFD transported the unconscious young man to Baystate Medical Center in Springfield, where he is reported to be on a breathing machine in the Critical Care Unit.
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