The reverberations over the contentious Shutesbury Library override issue, recently settled by Superior Court Judge Mary-Lou Rup who upheld the defeat, continued to be felt a seismic aftershock.
Amazingly--with the ink barely dry on a Superior Court decision--the rights of long time residents Richard and Joan Paczkowski were again challenged by disgruntled library supporters Michael DeChiara and Joanne Sunshower.
Library proponents filed suit to have Richard and Joan Paczkowski's "no" votes thrown out. Judge Rup not only sustained those two votes but she went even further by throwing out two "yes" votes from the grown children of local attorney Michael Pill--making the final vote 522-520.
In her decision Judge Rup wrote: "Like many retired persons, the Paczkowskis maintain two residences and divide their time between the two locations. While they may have focused their lives in Florida for over 20 years, it is reasonable to accept that they have now decided to re-focus their lives on the community where Richard was raised and they began their married life."
DeChiara and Sunshower should be reprimanded for "contempt of court" over their heavy handed tactics to bully and intimidate voters with whom they disagree.
Election Results
Shutesbury Town Meeting Warrant (all articles passed)
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