Maybe it's a Holyoke thing, as former Police Chief Anthony Scott was widely known and respected for his "call them as he sees them" soundbites the local media thrived on. Maybe Fire Chief Tim Nelson picked it up from Scott, or maybe--since Nelson served that rough and tumble city for 29 years--the other way around.
While calling a group of Hampshire College kids "idiots" for climbing up on a high roof, in the rain, late at night, may upset the genteel lily white Wimbledon sense of protocol so prevalent in our little town, it certainly was accurate...and succinct.
As the Chief pointed out three months ago when AFD responded to rescue another idiot, "The guy on the mountain made a bad choice but he had a choice. Those people who truly need our help don't have a choice."
Besides, the Chief had just endured almost three hours of Amherst Town Meeting (waiting to defend fire department equipment requests contained in an upcoming capital article), which would put any sane person in a surly mood.
Cost for the 48 minute rescue: $550
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