Will Mayor Ireton Ask Nice?
Considering there is a Grant involved in this project and a multitude of other projects, the Mayor got himself in deep doo doo not that long ago, (if you'll recall) representing himself as the legislative body when they signed off on a FEMA Grant for 12 Firefighters.
Now, if you'll recall from the above titled article, the Council requested the Mayor's Office to go to Pollitt and strike a deal. While we worried if he'd do so in good faith, the Mayor, (behind the Council's backs) went ahead and moved forward with yet another, (administrative) Grant for this skate park without the Council's knowledge, AGAIN.
I am told the City Council Members were NOT aware he had made this move and he did so for the original location in which the Council pretty much said NO to.
Now, I'm not saying that Rick Pollitt said yes or no to jim but here's what I do know, the Council wasn't informed of the County's position either. A few County Council Members thought it was a nice idea but didn't have the background knowledge to know if it was possible.
Ladies & Gentlemen, I truly do not understand Mayor Jim Ireton and his ways. It would seem he has a habit of doing the opposite of the Council's wishes and produce Press Releases in order to attempt to make the City Council look bad, or a "Council of No's".
Your local media publishes whatever the Mayor wishes and quite frankly you are not seeing the truth and or both sides.
Jim Ireton is unhealthy for Salisbury and that's all there is to it. He has no interest in any kind of unity. His hatred towards Terry Cohen and Debbie Campbell quite frankly is sickening. He is following the lead of the former Tilghman Administration and he/they desperately want YOU to believe it's all the Council's fault. They want Debbie Campbell removed from the Council and they want things back to the way they had it when Barrie Tilghman, Mike Dunn, Lynn Cathcart and Gary Comegys were in office.
As your next Mayor I would never pull such stunts. I want and encourage the input and wisdom of this Council's experience. I will RESPECT the fact that the Mayor's position is administrative and not legislative. The Council will be fully aware of where the Mayor's Office is heading and I will seek the advice and encouragement of the City Council.
It's not Joe Albero's election to lose, it's the citizen's election to lose.